The Doodlepad

Thursday, September 01, 2005


So I am getting ready to go on a 2-day hike starting tomorrow, and I have realized that sometimes preparation is not done to the level it needs to be. I'm not saying I haven't thought it through, or that the person going with me hasn't either, but actually--there is definitely some hints right now that make me think the other person is not fully understanding what we are doing.

That just got me thinking more about preparation, and why it is that it is important. Practice, checklists, schedules, plans, etc...everyone prepares for something. An Army definitely prepares for battle, a team for a game, a person for work, so why should our spiritual life be any differently. Preparation could lead to more success than failure when it comes to our spiritual walk. And not that it is our works, but in preparing through prayer, reading the Bible, etc, and just focusing on God, we grow closer to God and understand more of how He wants us to live. Then, because we have grown closer...and are more struggles--the temptations we face--can become easier to face, because we are relying on God, we know our game plan, if you will.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I have a cat named Socrates. He is cooped up all day in my apartment, and yet he still knows there is a world beyond the doors. Every once and awhile he gets out and checks things out, but comes back scurrying when something startles him. I am this person that comes home, sleeps, maybe does some stuff there on the weekends, but in general he is alone. Yet every time I come into the apartment, he's waiting there, and happy to see me. Sure, he can whine and he always wants food, but he has to be around me when I'm there.

I have a God named God. He is cooped up all day in His universe, and yet he still knows my small world behind the blinders of my life. Every once and awhile I get out and check Him out, but often come scurrying back when something startles me. He is this being that I sometimes seek out, pray , do some stuff with Him on the weekends, but generally I might leave Him alone. Yet every time I come into the apartment, He's waiting there, and happy to see me. Sure, I can whine and always want something, but he is there, always around to love me when I turn to Him.

loss of focus

When realizing how much time we spend every day doing various activities, it is really pretty interesting. I mean, work, sleep, eating, watching TV or a movie, reading the Bible or another book, praying, whatever. What proportion do we spend on stuff we consider important to us? I think that we do spend a certain amount of time, but since we have such "full" lives doesn't it sometimes seem to keep us from concentrating, when we are trying to pray or read? I know there are times when I can focus, but others when the mind always seems to wander.

However, I think this is just another realization of how weak our flesh can be, and our dependence on God. The goal is to be always thinking of God, remembering and praying with Him, no matter what else you are doing. This is definitely a high standard...but you know what, it is not by my strength that I could achieve this--it is by God's power, His grace. So I guess the resolution we need to take is simply to remember what we believe in, what is important to us (God) and try and try and try. This will result in growth, just as practice makes professional athletes better. I may not even notice a difference tomorrow or next week, but over time, we will change. So just keep trying, and keep loving and believing in God, and know that He has already saved you.

Sunday, August 28, 2005



Such an interesting concept to me. One that I can't fully grasp and struggle with at times. But that's the beauty of it. You aren't supposed to fully grasp it--cause it is nothing to do with what I do. This morning lesson at church was on Grace, and I've been mulling it over all day. A danger of grace is complacency, and I think that we don't even realize that we get in this rut until we are already there at times. Because it seems like I understand grace, and resolve to do better because of it, but then something sneaks up over time, and next thing I know, I'm trying to do this and that, and not just praising God based on His grace, and His love. I'm not sure why we let this happen, because it is such a beautiful, awesome gift, but we do. We get caught up in checklists and legalism...because we try to take the easy way to understand. If I do such and such, then I get such and such. But that isn't the way it works. We just need to believe that Christ died for us, and he loves us and forgives us, and we already have the reward. Now we just have to get there...and also just try and spread the word.