Wednesday, February 22, 2006

And I shall call it...Preparation H

This idea of how certain phrases, certain words over time change in meaning--especially slang meaning is interesting to me. Take, for instance, the name Dick. Even just one generation ago or so it was a common name, with no double meaning...really. But when it is said now (even in this post) it makes some squirm, or snicker, because of the double entendre. And there are so many more...look at all the comedy movies out there that are a play on words--or Letterman or Leno.

Why is it that we change words like this--how this is creative and funny, hip or cool. Language is so interesting with how it evolves over time, in every location. Cities, the South, the Northeast, etc. etc. all have accents, certain words used, that are just different. Bad means good when said in a certain way (ok, that was particularly in use a few years ago).

But my point, I guess, is are we keeping up with how to communicate with each other. Is the message being lost in translation? Paul and the other Apostles had to mold their messages to the Gentiles in various locations. Missionaries have adapted the story of Christ to the local tribe culture. Our language is part of our culture--how we can relate and communicate with each other. Are we, as Christians, adapting, or keeping staunch, expecting others to change to us?

I am not saying we compromise the core of Christianity--by no means. But we should reach out, adapt our language, our styles, to those around us. To bind and Jesus commanded the Apostles.


Blogger barry-eh said...

This is an interesting. You know, it seems to me that since language is constantly changing (and God did confuse languages at the Tower of Babel), we cannot fully rely on human language. We need to rely on the Word, the Eternal Word that John talked about. We must trust Him to speak His Word to us. Yes, God works through humans to translate the written Scriptures - but its only through His Spirit that we can fully hear what He is saying in and through the Scriptures. If human wisdom and knowledge is speaking has limitation and cannot discern the things of God. We can only know the things of God when we have the Spirit of God (the Mind of Christ) within us.

3:50 PM  
Blogger RobMcFarren said...


Jesus is the Word, like Barry said. Obviously that does not change. And only in that is the truth, through the Spirit of God. This is never changing. Right is right, wrong is wrong in the law.

However, I do believe the way the Word is presented, the way the Word is taught to the nations, this is where we MUST be flexible. We cannot get into a rut, thinking there is only one way. There are many. In the movie "End of the Spear" the missionaries used the name of a local god as the entry point to Jesus. They used that name, of that God, and said he had a son, and his son did such and such. In terms the tribes understood. Those tribes didn't know what a cross was, didn't know the history of Israel. They knew of spears and tribal actions in the Amazon--the Great Boa, the river, etc. So that is how the Gospel was presented to them, in terms they could understand. Now, over time, that came to be the same as the Gospel--Jesus is not being left out. I do not think this is undermining the eternal word of God. It's just presenting to people in ways they understand.

This is my point--we need to keep up with the times in how we approach others...the connection. To present to them, in terms they understand. It's why all of us are so important to God. We all have our experiences, our strengths, our abilities--to share His Word in different ways.

As for a certain extent to it--I think, honestly, that it is all about intent...the intent behind our actions, our words. So if we are living with the Spirit in us, and searching for God and trying to further Him--then the extent will be made clear to us.

10:43 AM  

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