The Temple

So I read yesterday about how God's name was on the temple of Jerusalem. Solomon, when dedicating the temple, asked God to send His presence into the Temple, to occupy the Temple with His name on it. Not just for the priests and tribes of Judah, but for ANY foreigner who also came to the temple and called on God. Solomon said this so that all would know who God was--who was Lord of Judah and Lord of all. This request was in the midst of a long, public prayer to God--a prayer that really was directed at consecrating the Temple and bringing everyone to God. To show that God was there, with them, in that place. And you know what, God responded. God told Solomon that he would consecrate the Temple with His presence. And He wanted all humanity to know that He is Lord. And this has not changed from the beginning of time, to the time of Solomon, to the time of Jesus Christ, to now. God wants us to know that He is Lord, and that He is near. The New Testament shows us that we don't have to go to a Holy building or Temple to experience God's presence. We are in God's presence whenever two or more are gathered in His name. Our bodies are called the temple of God.

And this Got me thinking as well. If God's name was written on the Temple of Israel, and God wanted to fill it up with His Spirit and presence...our bodies should be treated similarly. Now I don't mean that we are all to go out and tattoo his name on our forehead or something. But what I think this means is that we are to live so that anyone, everyone, can see that we are serving God. That it is obvious that God's presence is here--that God is near. We should treat our bodies with respect, with diligence, as a holy place where God would want to dwell. Without sin in all its forms. And God has promised us that he will fill us with his presence--his Holy Spirit. The New Testament is filled with examples and illustrations of this. It is a promise we can count on. So am I really calling out to God to send His presence?, so that ANYONE who calls on His name will see that He is Lord. Because this is what I think God wants--what he tells us he wants us to do. And He commands us to Love. This is how others will know we are Christians, by our love. Love God, Love others. Simple yet tough, huh?