Friday, January 27, 2006


Such a soothing sound, that puts us to sleep when we were young. And yet we still don't listen to lullabies. How come?

What is it that soothes our soul, calms our nerves, lets us sleep? Where do we find rest, comfort. A form of acceptance, where worries fade away and stresses cease. As a baby find solace in the voice of a parent, so too should we find solace in the voice of our Father. Find peace, and rest, as Jesus promises us if we cast our cares on Him. I know I want to find do this. And I know I am growing closer to Him each day--but have I found rest yet? Like a Baby finds it as it falls asleep, listening to a lullaby.

So what is it, that can make us fall into these states of peace--that no matter what troubles or worries are out there, we can listen to the lullaby and rest?

God, may I fall on you, listen to your voice, and find rest.


Blogger barry-eh said...

I think when we TRUST God we can learn to be at peace with everything...even the storms of life. When we trust Him and walk in obedience we begin to experience his rest. A baby has to trust his/her parents to do everything. They are helpless without their parents. I think we begin to worry and grow restless when we try to supply for our own needs and when we grasp and grab to fulfill our desires. We need to learn how to give up our own selfish desires and surrender our earthly longings to God so that he can fully provide for us.

9:04 AM  

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