Sunday, August 28, 2005



Such an interesting concept to me. One that I can't fully grasp and struggle with at times. But that's the beauty of it. You aren't supposed to fully grasp it--cause it is nothing to do with what I do. This morning lesson at church was on Grace, and I've been mulling it over all day. A danger of grace is complacency, and I think that we don't even realize that we get in this rut until we are already there at times. Because it seems like I understand grace, and resolve to do better because of it, but then something sneaks up over time, and next thing I know, I'm trying to do this and that, and not just praising God based on His grace, and His love. I'm not sure why we let this happen, because it is such a beautiful, awesome gift, but we do. We get caught up in checklists and legalism...because we try to take the easy way to understand. If I do such and such, then I get such and such. But that isn't the way it works. We just need to believe that Christ died for us, and he loves us and forgives us, and we already have the reward. Now we just have to get there...and also just try and spread the word.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yikes! I have a hard time wrapping my heart around this one. I think I can logically understand grace but for some reason I can't get my heart to fully receive it. I ask for forgiveness yet choose to somehow hang on to the lies and guilt that the evil one tempts me with. There are some days that I think I live in God's grace, but it seems more often that I don't choose His grace for the day. Perhaps I need to have more times of stillness and to let the truth sink into my heart.

12:57 PM  

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