The Doodlepad

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Patterns, Habits, Homeostasis

Doesn't it seem very hard to break certain routines in our life? The ones I know I notice are always the "bad" ones--the ones I don't particularly want to do. Like getting frustrated and impatient in traffic. But there are so many more. I have heard different sources give different lengths of time that our bodies need to create or break a habit--28 days, 40 days, etc. I'm not going to argue the length; but I do know that habits are powerful. Either good or bad. For instance, I do have a good habit of doing a daily reading, etc. in the morning during the work week. Almost never miss it--and those only on days that don't go according to the norm. But that habit is ingrained.

Our bodies do try to maintain Homeostasis--or the status quo. Even when we are doing something to stimulate our "pleasure" receptors...or pain, or whatever, the body is still maintaining homeostasis. This is why, for instance, you develop a "tolerance" to alcohol as you drink more. But it also can be unhealthy--because the alcohol is still affecting your system, but your body is trying to prevent itself from changing, while at the same time you are seeking that "pleasurable" sensation.

So this is just a little bit of how our bodies work--against us and for us. When we are fighting this battle of Spirit versus Flesh, we do need to know our enemy, just as we need to know our enemy in physical fights (wars, etc).

But as we get to know--we do need to prepare, and we can't break our own flesh on our own. We don't have that power alone--or else our body wouldn't already have these systems in place. So the challenge, I think, is to continually turn to God, the power He has promised us through Christ in the Spirit. I know I need to remember this way more often than I do. Like remember this every second of every day.

God, help me to break those patterns in my life that are the flesh, and not the Spirit. You know what they are, even better than I do. Send your Spirit to convict me to change my ways, to bring me to you, to give me freedom.