The Doodlepad

Monday, December 12, 2005

Absense of mind

So I haven't posted in awhile...and I guess it has been because I've been busy. But have I? I mean, honestly, what do we need to do to think about stuff--whether reading, writing, blogging, praying, talking, etc? It can be just a couple minutes. And is my life really that busy? Or is a priority I make.

Like God, and in where I really put him. Do I get to busy? Do you? How long does it take to read a verse or two? A chapter? Say a quick prayer or have dedicated prayer time? Is it something I can do at work? On the way to work? What about when I get home from work and really just don't want to do anything that seems like work? It seems like some days I just want to throw on a movie, or veg, but not pray. Is this ok? Where is the line drawn between doing and relaxing?

So I've been hanging out and doing a lot of stuff with you all, friends, recently. Every night, almost, between Bible studies, open gyms, accountability, and just hanging out. And I enjoy it, it is fun. But what about me time? Do I burn myself out? Do other people get to me, annoy me if I spend too much time with them? (Ok--I can answer no to this one, at least right now)

But the point is, is God in the daily grind. Yes, I truly believe we need some time to be able to retreat into God's arms. That is very important. Vitally important. He is the one that we must look to for peace, for joy, for hope. Because honestly, if we put this in something or someone else, we will be disappointed. But what about a busy life? How do we keep God in that?

I think we have to set up reminders, set up habits. I have heard it say that doing something (or not doing something) for 28 days is the length of time the body takes to declare something a habit. I know there are things I need to get right, habitually, but what about prayer? I think we should discipline ourselves to turn to God in our daily life. Paul says to pray continually. Tough thought. But how do you keep the one you say is important in your life at the front of your mind? With friends, family, we may have pictures in our wallet, on our desk. We may make phone calls during lunch to friends that we want to hang out with at night. We may have catchy sayings as signature blocks on email, or maxim's on paper that sit above our desk. Things that matter. So, these things can be used for God, for Jesus too. I'm not saying we have to have a picture of Jesus in our wallet, but what reminders are we using in our daily life? What about the cross, the manger, the Jesus fish? Or even better--a catchy or meaningful verse in our wallet or each time we reach in to get something out, we see this verse. Or a sticky note that simply says pray.

I know I need to do this more, to get into the habit of living every second for God. To submit my flesh to His win this spiritual war we are fighting by putting on the Full Armor of God.

**Read Ephesians 6, and think of daily actions like those above!**