The Doodlepad

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Absence, busyness, and vacancy

So you see--there is a huge gap on this blog. No deeply meaningless quandries by a man who debates with himself what really is going on in life. Who is it that God wants me to be...and you to be. And I got to thinking, I have been absent from this blog, yet very busy in other areas of life. So busy, that at times I wonder if there is any vacancy in life. But then again, everyone, and I do mean everyone, always says they are so busy that they can't get to stuff that just isn't a priority to them. Like keeping in touch with the grandparents (yep, I'm guilty of this) or getting around to washing your clothes to starting a new hobby.

I know I am busy--but really...I don't feel all that busy. I feel good about my life right now. Yeah, there are DEFINITELY areas for improvement--things I need to do better or ways to grow closer to God and others, but overall, I feel God moving in me. He is in control--and that, I think, is always important to realize when talking about life. To not try and take control, seize every moment of every day for personal use. Because in everything, God is. In everything. In driving to work, in work, in brushing my teeth. God is there, wanting my praise. So I should praise Him. And when I do--I realize that I don't feel busy. And so sometimes, do we need to empty out a schedule a bit--so God can lead us to praise Him--to worship Him, thank Him, pray to Him, read His words to us. And incorporate that in life--not just a morning, or evening, but in our lunch break, in my staring at a computer doing work all day, in my conversations with others. Keep Him there--praise Him, thank Him, remember Him.

Lord, I pray that I am more consciously aware of You throughout the day. To really believe in You, that You have a better way. So when temptations come, they are easily defeated by Your Spirit. Give me the faith to ALWAYS believe this. Help me to be a servant.