Wednesday, February 08, 2006

I've been thinking about something said last night by a woman named Michelle--that she lives without care for what others are going to do. She does this because she is in love with Jesus, and knows that she will be die when God is done with her. This is a thought that I have had, too--especially when doing military operations in Iraq. But it was the faith she had, with such emotion, that was truly amazing. She was going to go do what God was calling her to do...and leaving it at that. She was going to spread the Gospel. I really feel like there is something to this, that we all should get to. That there really is no separation in our lives, between God and our careers, family, etc. I know it is something that as I think about...I want it more and more. I want to be God's, fully and completely. I want everything I do, in each and every moment of the day, to be serving His kingdom and glory. Right now, in the military, it can seem hard to do that at times, because I have to do what my job requires. But it is in the attitude, the caring, that I can still be completely His. Am I a light all the time--unfortunately, no. But I want to be. I want to be God's. I love Him, so I shouldn't care what others think. Look at all the persecution that has happened--my co-workers can't even touch that. So what am I afraid of? Nothing, if I am in love; God's love.

Lord, help me, help us all, to put aside worldly pretenses and cares and just live for You. You have actions in store for us, to further Your kingdom. Help us to realize this, and not care what the world thinks...except of course that they know we are Christians by our love.


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