Thursday, October 06, 2005


The weather here finally seems to be shifting to fall. The colors have changed, but the temperatures have dropped and the "atmosphere" just seems like autumn now, not summer. The new season seems refreshing, but some area saddening by the going of summer, some excited by the coming of winter. Each season has hope with it, or concerns, depending on how we remember it, and our attitudes. I think it is amazing that this world we live in can change so much within a year. Seasons which vary from snowstorms to April flowers, lazy summer heat and cool fall mornings. Each season is unique, but they are all the climate.

Similarly, I think we need to remember that there are seasons of our lives, and the lives of others. We are not always in high spirits, or a cold, analytical mood, but we too can change. I think we often forget this. We get stuck in a rut, getting down on ourselves and knowing that tomorrow will be pretty much just another day. But actually, they aren't just days. As we grow older, we grow. We learn new truths, new heartbreaks, new lessons. And some things are harder for us to conquer than others. Sometimes it may seem God is distant, as He seemed to Job, other times like he's right beside us, blessing us, as David and Paul describe at times.

What's this mean? I think that we just need to keep hope in our future--knowing God can change us, too! Also, that we just need patience to let Him work. Because just as we can no more make winter start in July, so are the seasons of life. (this is hard to accept sometimes, I'll admit, as I just wish some things were over, and just fix them, now!) But God is there, working, even if we are having a hard time understanding. God loves us and wants to give us life abundantly! What a promise of future seasons!


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