Wednesday, September 14, 2005

I really want to know why it is that people, myself included, do what we don't want to do. I know even the Apostle Paul struggled with this, but I really wish there were times that I was able to just stay focused. How often do we catch ourselves thinking something unwholesome, vengeful, angry, etc...when we know we should react a different way. But even beyond that--why does some temptation, some sin, always seem to get us? It might be different for different people, and we honestly know it is sin at times, but still it gets us when we are down...

I am at a loss at times, although I know where the answer lies--in Christ. But this doesn't always help, just this knowledge. Somehow, I have to keep it personal, a personal relationship of love with Him. And I think this is where I struggle at times, and where everyone does. It can just seem so supernatural, so surreal at times that we just don't keep it personal. Because I am sinful in nature, the flesh, as we all are, and so it therefore is not within us to be able to fix ourselves. And yet this is still a struggle as well...but I think this is life. That each person has to come to know God, better and better as they grow each day. It is a journey, a path, a learning curve, all the way until the day we die. And I know I don't have all the answers, and I know that often we get caught up in what we do think we know, and there we lose the person of God again. But He stays there, always steady, always loving, waiting for us to turn back.

(ok--this post is a little bit 'chain of consciousness' writing...)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if some of the reason why we do things we know we are supposed to do is because we are not allowing ourselves to be apart of something bigger than ourselves. What I mean is this...if we are not connected to a community - we are more prone to wander. First, we need the relationship with Christ like you said, but then I believe we need relationship with the body of Christ. There is something about it when God's people are united. There seems to be more power/wisdom/accountability to stand up against evil. I guess this is a journey as well. We continually grow as a community of believers...waiting expectantly for our final redemption. Life is hard...and then we die. (but, dying in Christ is a good thing)

1:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooops...should have said, "things we know we are NOT supposed to do"

1:08 PM  

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