Wednesday, January 04, 2006

OK, so now I am back at work--in the grind. And after that mission's trip, it is kind of dull and not sitting right. For whatever reason, the work just doesn't seem rewarding at times. Is this the "crashing" back to "normality" after something different and wonderful? And why do we experience these letdowns? Because I do believe that I can continue, in my every day job, to be the influence for Christ that I can be. To really and truly live for Him. It is what Jesus wants us to live for Him without regard for things of this world. To love eternity, not tempority (yeah, made up word). And there is peace in knowing that you are living for Him. But I can't help but feel that I am to be really out there, serving and doing something productive. (OK, I am sure my work is, in a way) But what I know I need to do is just turn to God, and ask Him to continue to fill me with His Spirit. Because after experiencing the blessings of God, how do we forget it? I don't want to. God, you are so amazing and do so much for us all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it is normal to feel that work is not productive after a spiritual "high". To be doing the same thing day after day can make a person think that they are not serving God. I think that perseverance in the everyday job that by the way was given to you by God can still be used for His glory. I'm not really sure what it is that you do, but I know God can and will use you where you are. It's what He does. Maybe you want to do missions more and it's frustrating to be tied down to a job. I think God has a plan for you. Jeremiah 29:11 is an excellent verse. God has a plan for your future, but sometimes he wants you to be content with the present.

10:18 PM  
Blogger barry-eh said...

I think what you said about God's Spirit is important. We need to constantly be FILLED with the Spirit. Everyday we must allow Him to speak to us through His written Word and be quiet enough (physically/mentally/spiritually) to hear His voice. We are His sheep and need to hear the exciting journey He wants to leads us on each day! Every day is a mission!

9:48 AM  

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