Monday, December 19, 2005


It is said that we should have joy in our circumstances, no matter what they are. That we should persevere, because this leads to God. I could list multiple scriptures that talk about Standing Firm, Running the Race, staying the course, persevering, etc. etc. And I fully believe them. They are very important. But how hard is it sometimes? How do we take these ideas and really stick to them, not let them become rhetoric we simply spout out loud. Practice makes perfect. No man is an island. I mean, there really are so many things out there that have to do with our personal discipline in sticking to a way of life. And it is very noble. But also, we know we sin, and can become discouraged when we are trapped in a sin that just somehow isn't miraculously taken away when we pray. But again, God does tell us that he is in control of this, and is using this sin to mold up, sculpt us to be the person He wants us to be. In comes back to our dedication to Him. So what types of things do we need to trigger this discipline.

I propose that each person can do this in different ways. I mean, look at all the self-help books out there. The diets that exist. But there is one thing that is non-negotiable, and that is that God, through Christ Jesus, must be involved. Because we can't save ourselves from ourselves. For me, it means things like setting reminders around--maybe a note or scripture verse I read that goes on an index card in my pocket, so each time I reach for my cell phone, I feel the card, and reflect on the verse. Or also, just the patterns of life, to wake up early enough to read the Bible in the morning, or over lunch, or to have dedicated prayer time with no music, no tv, etc. Get into some sort of rhythm that brings God back into focus.

Now I am by no means perfect at this, and know there are areas of my life that have to have improvement. For instance, I know my prayer life isn't what it needs to be. I'm on the way, but not there. Also, the thought life...

I'm interested in people's ideas of what they do to dedicate their daily walk with God. What they do to keep Him in their lives. I want to compile a list of ideas, of all the ways that people walk with God. So, if you would post them here, it would be awesome! Thanks.


Blogger Wade said...

So, I posted this to the Kairos blog, but thought I would post it here as well.....

Most of you know that Dara and I use journals to help us stay focused with our Spiritual Disciplines. Guys organize their tools, ladies organize their recipe books - but do we have organization to our spiritual lives???

So, we have goals that we set for ourselves, and then every month we do an assessment to review how we are doing. If anyone would like to see the form we use, I would be glad to email it to you. Also, if anyone would like some accountability, you could fill out the report and email it back to us and we could encourage you in your spiritual growth. Just a thought.

So here are some thoughts of where I am at with the various disciplines. This is not something to copy, just some ideas to kick around.

Reading God's Word - I am a part of a Chronos group (if you are not part of one you need to be!). We strive to read around 25 chapters a week, in a repetitive fashion. (ie we read Philippians 6 times in a week since it has 4 chapters.) The goal is not to read – the goal is to hear from God.

Studying God’s Word – I have been working my way through the Psalms for about 7 years now, but I’m almost done! I’m on Ps 147 now. I try to read a verse a day and come up with as many applications as possible from one verse. Then the next day I review what I have learned from the thoughts.

Memorizing God’s Word – Ha. My goal has been to memorize a verse every other day, but I have not been quite hitting the mark there. When I get a section memorized, I review it every day for two weeks, then every week for two years. That should cement it in there pretty good.

Meditating on God’s Word – Every day I have a different chapter or section that I get to go over and over. It is powerful to communicate with God in the very words that he first gave to us!

Petition – How else do we get to see God specifically working if we do not specifically ask? In the mornings, I review my day, and write down some requests based on what is happening that day. Then the next day I look back to see how God has been working.

Intercession – How much we pray for others probably says a lot about where we are at spiritually, don’t you think? We people ask me to pray about something, I try to write it down before I forget. Then I pray for 3 months (once a week) about what was going on. The best part is following up with people later, and asking them how God worked it out. People are always amazed that I have been praying!

Fasting – I do a 24 hour juice fast once a week. I want to do better about giving God extra time during the fast, but the business of life way too often intrudes. I believe that if we can deny ourselves in the small things (food), then we will be that much more able to deny ourselves in the big things (sin).

Listening to God – There are probably many ways to do this. One of the best that I have found is to just open up my Bible, read a passage, and ask God to reveal the truth of the passage to me. It is crucial that I have a pencil and paper ready to write down what god shows me.

Personal Worship – I read a psalm each morning, worshipping God through each verse. It takes focus, but it is so good to be reminded each morning of how big God is, and how small I am.

Yes, by now you have probably figured out that this all takes a bit of time. The only way that I have found so far to make it all work (on top of family and ministry and everything else that needs to get done) is if I multi task. I fix lunch and review my memory verses. I drive and pray (sometimes I drive and read – don’t tell anyone!). I have the Bible on audio, so sometimes I listen to my Chronos chapters while exercising. Whatever it takes to “pray without ceasing.”

You might also have concluded that this looks like a lot of work! Well, you would be right. But I have yet to find something that is worthwhile that does not take a lot of work. Isn’t there an old saying, “The highway to Hell is paved with good intentions?”

May God bless your adventure. Jesus paid the ultimate price for your FREEDOM. What are you going to do with it?

6:43 PM  
Blogger barry-eh said...

Brother Lawrence wrote a book called "Practicing the Presence of God." Its a great reflection on the discipline of training the heart/mind to remain in God's presence and pray to Him and listen to Him at all times...even peeling potatoes.

9:22 PM  

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