Saturday, August 20, 2005

I had an interesting thought today. What if you raised your kids, but you taught them that left was right and right, left. Just swapping those words. How much difficulty would they have as they grew up...trying to just get along in the world. I mean, directions would be all backwards, but even more. Every time they would hear raise your right hand, the left one they would raise, because to them it was the right one.

Seems kind of cruel, huh? They would very quickly find out that something wasn't right, and they would have to work through this confusion...

Now how many of us have been raised or taught something that isn't true. In fact, is the opposite of truth, but spoken as if it were truth. Just because we grew up that left was right doesn't make it true. So how do we know truth? How do we know what is really right or wrong? Well, something inside us all draws us to the truth, and without completely shutting down our innermost self, we just know. I think this is called the Spirit. The Bible states that God calls us in spirit and in truth. And when you boil it down, the sinful nature (the left as right, if you will) soon becomes apparent that it is incorrect, and we have to work through the confusion. And many people then look to the wrong places, not knowing where to look, and that is where we, as other people, come in. It is downright irresponsible to not help people who are looking for truth. Especially since we know it, in the form of Jesus, and of love. The very definition of this leads to a conviction to listen to the Spirit of God and to help others find this love as well...

Am I all mixed up? I don't think so, but I know I don't have it all figured out...not even close...I get confused quite often.

And that is the beauty of Christ.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great example. I think this world is too quick to say "what's true for you is good for you but I'll choose my own truth." At some point this rational doesn't hold water. We know what is true by KNOWING Christ. Sounds churchy but I think the more we know who Christ is and what He has done the more we know who we are and what our purpose is. By stilling our inner self we begin to "hear" and "see" the things of God - including God Himself.

12:51 PM  

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